This tool allows you to create and manage workgroups. On first creation (Create groups), groups are 'empty'. There are many ways to fill them:
Filling groups, whether automatically or manually, is possible only for users registered on the course. The users list is visible in Users tool.
Create groups
To create new groups, click on 'Create new group(s)' and decide the number of groups to create.
Group settings
You can determine Group settings globally (for all groups).Users may self-register in groups:
You create empty groups, users self-register.If you have defined a maximum number, full groups do not accept new members.This method is handy for trainers unfamiliar with the users list when creating groups.
Tools:Every group is assigned either a forum (private or public) or a Documents area(a shared file manager) or (in most cases) both.
Manual editing
Once groups have been created (Create groups), you will see, at the bottom of the page, a list of groups along with with several options: